Where to see Chimpanzees in Uganda

Chimpanzee tracking is most probably one of the most popular Uganda safari activities on the African continent. It is everything from the nature trek through pristine tropical forest to meeting the closest human relatives and all that’s in between. Journeying to Uganda to experience the thrill of tracking these intriguing apes is always worth your while.

You might have heard, read and even dreamed of tracking Chimpanzees in their natural habitat but wonder where best to do this. In this blog, we bring you the top places where you can find Chimpanzees and even have the best experience tracking them in the wild.

  1. Kibale National Park:

Kibale is referred to as “the primate capital of the world” for the major reason that it is home to 13 primate species. It is the perfect place to see and interact with primates of all kinds including the intriguing Chimpanzees. Moreover, it also harbors almost half of the entire country’s Chimpanzee population.

Your chance of seeing Chimpanzees here is not only almost guaranteed but it will be quite memorable as well. The deep green scenery only adds serenity to your primate tracking experience. Two sessions are offered to visitors for tracking; one in the morning starting at 08:00 am and in the afternoon at 2:00pm. Permits can be booked a few months prior to your travel date at $200 USD for foreign non residents, $150 USD for foreign residents and UGX 150,000 for East African Residents.

  1. Budongo Forest Reserve:

Located just outside Murchison Falls National Park, Budongo forest reserve is a befitting addition to the splendor of the majestic Murchison Falls. The reserve spans an area of 825 square kilometers of savannah woodland and tropical montane rain forest. Most travelers combine a visit to Budongo Forest after a game drive, a boat cruise or hiking excursion to the top of Murchison Falls.

Budongo Forest is perfect for tracking Chimpanzees because your chance of seeing the apes comes up to 80%. In addition, fewer people come here therefore you can get to enjoy a private and more intimate tracking adventure. Watch out for some birding opportunities as well. Permits in Budongo Forest Reserve cost $130 USD for foreign non residents, $120 USD for foreign residents and $85 USD for East African Residents.

  1. Kyambura Gorge:

The Kyambura gorge is a 1 km long and 100m deep natural trench of montane forest located at the edge of Queen Elizabeth National Park. It appears as a different place altogether, set apart from the undulating savannah extending from Queen Elizabeth. Thick deep green canopy engulfs the gorge, creating a natural ceiling that only lets a few rays of sun touch the forest floor at a time.

Kyambura gorge is also known as “the valley of apes” because of the abundance of primates, especially Chimpanzees found here. It is also the third best place to see and track Chimpanzees with a success rate of 60%. Add Kyambura gorge to your bucket list after a game drive or boat cruise in Queen Elizabeth National Park. Chimpanzee tracking permits in Kyambura cost $50 USD foreign non residents, $50 USD for foreign residents and UGX 30,000 for East African Residents.

What you will need

  • Enough drinking water
  • A hat and sunglasses
  • A rain coat or jacket especially in the rainy season
  • A backpack
  • Trouser and long sleeved shirt
  • Insect repellant

When to go

Always stick to the drier months of the year. The forest paths can become almost impassable during heavy rains and you might experience some delays and inconvenience when tracking Chimpanzees. The rainy season however, might come with some discounts and lower prices at times.

Book with us:

Ameera Africa Safaris is a premier safari company with an expert team; planning tours all over East Africa and serving our clients the best safari packages out there. To plan and book your Uganda Safari Chimpanzee tracking adventure, contact us on +256-393-194074 or Email us Today!



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