Latest Uganda Travel Covid 19 Updates

In response to the corona virus pandemic, the government of Uganda in collaboration with the Ministry of Health has set up the following guidelines concerning travel to and from Uganda. Although the lockdown was lifted, public transport has only been opened at 50% with taxis and buses carrying half their normal capacity and boda bodas allowed to carry only one passenger. Private vehicles are allowed to operate across district borders with a maximum of 3 passengers. Late night curfew remains…

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Gorilla Tracking in Uganda Safari

Uganda is very well know for having a vast number of wildlife life, like lions, cheetahs, deers, zebras, giraffes, elephants, rhino's and hippopotamus, birds like cranes, horn bill, flamingos, but It is specifically known for primates, Gorillas to be exact. Most people come to Uganda hoping and wanting to see the Gorillas in the forests and track them too. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is the most popular destination for people and Tourists in Uganda to carry on gorilla trekking. It…

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Uganda the Pearl of Africa

Uganda is a landlocked country hidden in the folds of East Africa, about 24,037 km it's geography is of course one of the many reasons you should explore. And that is Why Winston Churchill in his book of My African Journey, he writes about it and since then it has been popularly referred to as the Pearl of Africa, the jewel, the highlight or treasure of safari tours in Africa. For its magnificence, for variety of form, for color, for…

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Uganda Travel Warnings

For starters when coming to Uganda you need a bunch of things which are of course sold here too, but you can pack them just in case; A valid passport and a tourist visa (essential), more things to wear like skirts, should be descent and comfortable due to mode of dress in this country, tank tops and sweaters, cardigans, are fine as well since it can get pretty cold at night due to the cool evening wind. Personal commodities, administration…

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