Pian Upe

It is not uncommon to see quizzical expressions on people’s faces when you talk about Pian Upe. Infact, this ancient game reserve has sadly been unknown to many; Ugandans and foreigners alike, up until recently. Yet, of the unique animal and bird species of Uganda, this private gate away holds quite a good share; making it a must visit for wildlife tours Uganda.

Pian Upe is one of the oldest wildlife conservation areas in Uganda and one of the most beautiful safaris Uganda wildlife destinations as well. It covers an area of 2,275 square kilometers, about 7-8 hours from Kampala, after Murchison Falls National Park (3,893 square kilometers); making it the second largest reserved game area.

A magical landscape:

It is never a question of if you can get the perfect light for a picture in Pian Upe on a Uganda safari wildlife tour, but rather of how much space is left on your film! Picture a landscape rising from Mount Elgon in the east, cascading into an open filed of golden savannah blades and winding into the wake of Kidepo Valley National Park. One word, dreamy!

Sunsets are always set against a clear sky and open fields; providing unrivalled potential to catch some cheetahs gathering their dinner. Pian Upe is perfect for a stop-over on wildlife Uganda tours to northern Uganda as you can easily transition between Mt Elgon National Park, Kidepo Valley National Park and Bokora and Matheniko wildlife reserves.


The beauty here is that you will always get more on your safari tours Uganda Pian Upe than you bargained for! Upon entry into the park, you are instantly greeted with an elegant assemble of savannah woodland mashed with kopjes, seasonal rivers, shrubs, thatching grass, lemon grass, beard grasses and bristle.

Additionally, the entire reserve is surrounded by a rocky and mountainous background finished off with red acacia, butterfly pea, desert date and bush willows. Pian Upe is the ultimate platform for those nature pictures your friends will be talking about for years.


North eastern Uganda is blessed with unique tours to Uganda wildlife species that you might not find elsewhere in the country. This uniqueness extends from Kidepo Valley National Park to the brazen fields of Pian Upe creating the perfect Uganda safari tour. For instance, it is in this conservation area that you will find Uganda’s last roan antelope population.

When it comes to big cats, your safari Uganda wildlife tour is about to get really memorable. Pian Upe boasts such a remarkable Cheetah population in that your chances of spotting one are over 80%. Other predators in the reserve include; Wildcats, Jackals, Spotted Hyenas, Civets, Serval Cats, Leopards and Lions.

Other animals include; Eland, Four toed Hedge Hogs, Zebras, Vervet monkeys, Hartebeests, Bohor and Mountain Reedbuck, Gunther’s Dik Dik, Oribis, Patas monkeys, African Hare, Crested Porcupine, Impalas, Aardvarks, Cape Buffalo, Uganda Kob, Waterbuck, Blue and Common Duiker, Klipspringers, Rock Hyrax and Olive Baboons. Reptiles include; Puff adders, Rock Pythons, Agamas, Geckos, Crocodiles, Chameleons and Savannah monitors.

Birdlife to enjoy on your wildlife tours to Uganda Pian Upe include Ostriches, Karamoja Apalis, Superb Sterling, Green Pittas, Secretary birds, Abyssinian ground hornbills, shoebill stocks, Fox weaver birds and many others.

Uganda Safari tours Pian Upe activities:

  • Game drives
  • Bird watching
  • Hiking and Nature walks
  • Cultural tours

Uganda’s newest national park

Efforts are underway to turn Pian Upe wildlife reserve into a national park, which will automatically make it Uganda’s newest national park. Conservationists are working around the clock to boost animal numbers before it is open for Uganda safari tours Pian Upe. Updating the reserve to national park status is expected to draw tourists more to the Karamoja region; boasting a rich culture and wildlife.

When to Visit

Under the weight of the fiery Karamoja sun, all the action happens at the Girik River in the southern part of Pian Upe as animals seek to quench their thirst and encounter some lush plains to graze upon. These magical moments are often possible on Pian Upe tours Uganda during the dry months of January to March. The plains are clear as savannah fields are cleared out but you will definitely need a hat and sunglasses to protect your eyes.

During November to December, the dry season is starting and the grasses are still green and plentiful. You can still enjoy a safari tour Pian Upe Uganda but vistas over the horizons might not be as clear. The rainy season often ushers in heavy to moderate rains; causing muddy and impassable roads meaning you could encounter delays and disappointments on Pian Upe Uganda wildlife tours.


A perfect wildlife Uganda safari tour starts with Pian Upe in the north-eatern savannah outskirts of Uganda. This secluded game arena features some of the most enchanting vistas that you ought not dare miss once you arrive in Uganda. Besides, where else would you enjoy a private yet full blown wildlife safari Uganda if not in the lonely plains of Karamoja.

Contact our team of tour experts today at  info@ugandasafaritour.com to book a Pian Upe wildlife Uganda safari tour today or call us directly on +256-393-194074.


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