Agro tourism safaris in Uganda

Agro tourism safaris in Uganda

Agriculture is the back bone of Uganda; fueling most of the country’s economy and employing over 70% of the population. It was thus therefore inevitable that in 2018, the Ugandan government would officially launch Agro tourism Uganda tours inviting the entire world to share in the natural gifts of this land.

Agro tourism, also known as Agri tourism, is not merely visiting farms and plantations but actually getting involved in farm work such as; harvesting, milking and feeding among others. It can either be inclusive; where you could enjoy it alongside a wildlife Uganda tour or exclusive where your safari is purely agricultural.

Uganda in itself is lucky to have been endowed with remarkable physical features including massive Lakes, towering Mountains, clear streams and rivers and so much more!. All these natural gifts work together to create a condusive environment for plant life to thrive; making it the perfect destination for Agri tourism Uganda safaris.

Where to go for Agri safari tours Uganda

From misty mountainous tea estates to warm low land pineapple farms, Uganda has got it all. In this issue, we cover some of the top Uganda safaris Agro tourism spots that you must visit when in Uganda.

The Pearl of Africa Farm

The Pearl of Africa Farm is located at Banda in Wakiso district along Hoima road and is the perfect destination for a Uganda safari tour Agro tourism experience. The first foot you set on the property will prove to you that you are in the right place to learn about Uganda agro tourism safaris and environment conservation. Among the many agricultural ventures on the farm include;

  •  Agro forestry:

While many might think agro tourism is mainly about animals and crops, the Pearl of Africa farm embraces forest farming in a whole new light. Walking through the diverse tree plantations might just be the highlight of your Uganda agro tourism tours. Some tree species to look out for include; Bamboo, Pine, Eucalyptus, Mango, Avocado, Oranges, Jackfruit and Umbrella trees.

Agro – Forestry at the Pearl of Africa Farm
  • Vegetable growing:

If you have never seen vegetables grown in small spaces, Pearl of Africa farm is perfect for exactly that. On these tours Uganda agro tourism, you will see vegetables placed in plastic bags, containers and other objects that give off an edge of creativity. Do not forget to take enough pictures of how manure is applied on the plants.

  • Food crop farming:

Agro tourism is put into play for Uganda tours at the farm with remarkable plantations of crops such as Sugar cane, Cassava, Bananas, arrow roots, Stevia, Sweet and Irish potatoes. On these plantations, you get to experience modern Ugandan farming techniques and so much more!

  • Fish projects;

There are several artistic fish ponds on the farm where visitors can participate in knowledge sharing involving constructing ponds and feeding, breeding and caring for the fish.

Luweero Pineapple Farm

When Agro tourism was first launched in Uganda in 2018, the nation witnessed the birth of a 4 acre pineapple farm in Luweero and to this day, it remains one of the best places to enjoy safaris agro tourism Uganda! Foreigners and citizens alike stalk this farm daily to gain insight into Pineapple farming and to buy some ripe fruits, fresh from the garden.

Visitors are often served a detailed farm walk explaining the history of the farm and how the pineapples are grown. You will then be handed a sharp knife with which you can participate in the Uganda Afro tourism safari harvesting process. The person who collects the most pineapples shall be given a special gift but always remember that the pineapples belong to the farm and you have to hand them over after harvesting.

Kijura Tea Estate

Within the chilly highlands of Fort Portal, lies the Kijura Tea Estate; one of the largest tea producers in Uganda. As you enjoy a safari Uganda agro tourism to the western region, you will most likely pass by a series of cascading hills covered in the dark green of tea. Kijura is known to produce 40,000  to 60,000kgs of green leaf per day and about 16,000 to 17,000kgs of tea; making it the best destination for Agri tourism safaris Uganda.

Other remarkable destinations for Agro tourism Uganda safari tours include;

  • Coffee plantations
  • Fish farms
  • Cotton farms
  • Cocoa farms
  • Dairy and meat farms
  • Rice plantations

Benefits of Agro tourism

Owing to the fact that the agricultural sector employs almost 70% of Ugandans, mixing it with tourism has outstanding benefits such as;

  • Provides revenue for the government through local taxes and export taxes
  • Plays a big role in employment creation as farm and factory workers
  • Enables farmers to effectively market their produce by directly interacting with potential buyers who visit the farm
  • Promotes sharing of knowledge through skill development and training sessions offered to visitors on the farm
  • Fosters environmental conservation through preserving agricultural land and agro forestry.


Of all the goodness that our country has been blessed with, we have merely touched the tip and as time goes by, we discover fresh ways to fully maximize “the pearl of Africa”. Be apart of the many visitors that come to Uganda annually to not only see the wildlife but also the many Agro tourism farms around the country.

To arrange an Agro Uganda safari tour, contact our team of experts on or call us directly on +256-393-194074. For more information on Uganda safari tours, visit our website at


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